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Pre-programmed for Apple TV (See Pairing in our user Forum), XBox One, Media Center and Roku device codes which are easily changed. Full LED Backlighting-All buttons.

Macro Programming-This allows the programming of a string of commands (up to 15) within a mode or mode independent.

Volume Lock-The user can lock the volume in all modes; Channel Lock-The user can lock access to the channel changing capability in one mode such as the cable box; ID Lock- After a valid code has been set that code can be locked.

Expanded Device Code Database. Be sure to use the INT422-3 Lookup for device codes. Complete worldwide database of device codes. Learning Capability-Used to program any device that is not in the database.

Button Labels- These self-adhesive labels, as pictured, can be cut out and applied under the buttons that you program for your device functions; Key Punch Through-Allows the user to configure the same key function in one mode into any or all other modes; Warranty: One Year Replacement for Defects.

Technical details

Brand Name: Inteset

Model Number: INT-422-3

Item Package Quantity: 1

Maximum Range: 30.00 feet

Product description

The Inteset 4-in-1, INT422-3 Universal IR Remote with its' new and expanded device code data base is designed to work with popular streaming devices such as Apple TV?, Xbox One?, Windows Media Center?, Roku? (excluding Stick) and many more. From the solid feel to the velvet coating on the back, when you hold the INT-422 remote you know it’s a high-quality product. It has most of the features found only in high-end remotes but at a fraction of the cost. Those features include volume and channel lock, macros, custom button labels, key punch-through, full backlighting and a huge built-in A/V device database. If a device is not found you can quickly program those functions with the remote’s intuitive learning capability. The 4 Device buttons are pre-programmed for Apple TV (A), Xbox One (B), Media Center (C) and Roku (D) so that you can use the remote immediately. You can assign any A/V device such as your TV to the unused device buttons or program over any of the pre-programming. The Red, Green, Yellow and Blue buttons function as the standard Xbox color control buttons. For Roku, they invoke Netflix, YouTube, Amazon and other Apps. The device code for Nvidia Shield (1st Gen & 2nd Gen Pro) in the INT422-3 is '04918'. The 2nd Gen Standard Nvidia Shield requires a FLIRC IR Receiver.(See FLIRC Setup in our Forum).The Pro still has an IR Receiver built in.

Finding your device codes is easy using Intesets’ New Device Code Lookup capability exclusively for the INT422-3 on our website. You click on the Device Type (i.e. Cable Box) then select the manufacturer. Find your device and enter its code into the remote. Then, the functionality for that device will be mapped instantly to the applicable remote buttons. Any questions are answered in our support Forum, or you can contact us directly via our website. You can find our Forum, Contact Page, Device Lookup, programming instructions and more at - http://universalremotes.net/.

Product information

Product Dimensions 7 x 1.5 x 1 inches

Item Weight 6.4 ounces

Shipping Weight 6.4 ounces

Manufacturer Inteset Technologies


Origin Made in USA or Imported

Item model number INT-422-3












[106美國直購] Inteset 4-in-1 Universal Backlit IR 學習型遙控器 Android TV, Apple TV Xbox One Roku 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時







合唱團首席指揮Dr. Owen Rees帶領了25位團員,此次首度來台巡演,行程從3月21日開始,陸續在台灣各地巡演,均有熱烈回響。合唱團更因得知慈濟在全球的慈善關懷,特別將班機延後一天,最後一場於4月1日在花蓮慈濟大學演藝廳演出,即使是連假首日,仍有近千名聽眾前來一睹這國際級的演唱,感受到首屈一指合唱團的天籟之音。

4月2日,合唱團來到慈濟靜思精舍,為精舍僧眾、慈濟志工獻唱,為巡演行程畫下圓滿句點。來到慈濟志工心靈的故鄉,合唱團以「嗡嘛呢唄咪吽」六字大明咒作為開場,Dr. Owen Rees表示,此行來台,特別安排來慈濟的行程,以佛曲作為開場之獻唱,除了為表達對佛教聖地的尊重,也感謝慈濟在全球的慈悲腳印,如觀世音菩薩一樣地聞聲救苦。


首席指揮Dr. Owen Rees表示,慈濟最令他與團員印象最深刻的,是慈善與醫療志業,慈濟的國際救援足跡遍及許多國家,帶給年輕團員很大的教育意義,在參訪慈濟大捨堂,對於「無語良師」願意捐贈大體做為醫學研究使用非常感動,尤其團員中也幾位是醫學生,更能體會大體解剖對醫學教育的重要。





根據《Sky News》報導,這架隸屬於South Supreme Airlines的客機,從南蘇丹首都朱巴(Juba)起飛,下午抵達瓦烏機場,在降落時卻突然墜毀,現場冒出大火、濃煙,當局獲報立刻趕抵現場搶救。現場人員表示,事故發生當下能見度很低,他表示近來天氣不太好,飛機由東向西飛行,在降落時墜毀在跑道上。









基隆一對劉姓母女平日窩身在簡陋矮房,不僅梁柱發霉,屋頂也岌岌可危,屋後更是早已塌陷,鼠輩橫行,就連洗澡也只用電鍋煮把水煮開擦拭身體。圖為女兒。中央社記者王朝鈺攝 106年4月4日

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